Sarah Cade – Of Light And Shadow

“Of Light And Shadow is a compilation born of this ‘I’m closer to the end than the beginning’ stage of my life,” explains Sarah Cade, who lives just outside Austin, Texas, about her new album. “People tend to fear growing older, but I find it liberating, exciting, totally interesting, and magical. We are GROWING older, and all the experiences – good/bad, light/shadow are part of that growth. My knees aren’t the same as they used to be, but neither is my soul. Every single day we are different than we were the day before. We’ve seen more, experienced more, thought about things more, seen more sunsets, more misery, more joy and that changes everything, in one way or another, whether we know it or not. We share the human experience, and this planet, through the shadow and light. We are both.”

With a voice that captures the raw emotion of her lyrics, Sarah Cade’s music is a reflection of her authentic spirit. She writes from the heart and infuses her experiences and emotions into every song. Through her music, Sarah explores the human experience with an honest vulnerability that is both breathtaking and relatable. Her lyrics touch on universal themes like love, loss, and hope, and she’s not afraid to delve into the real, and often messy, emotions of life. Whether she’s singing about heartbreak or the triumph of the human spirit, Sarah’s songs are always emotionally impactful and beautifully written.

Her style blends elements of folk, pop, and Americana, creating a sound that is timeless and contemporary. Her voice is both powerful and gentle, and her ability to connect with her audience is nothing short of magical. When she’s on stage, it’s as if she’s speaking directly to each person in the room. Sarah Cade’s music embraces the things that make her who she is, and meets us exactly where we are, touching the hearts of anyone who hears her music.